Daniel working as Flight Paramedic in rural New Mexico

Daniel working as Flight Paramedic in rural New Mexico

Daniel (far right): First Laro Kwo Training Day

Daniel (far right): First Laro Kwo Training Day

Daniel S. Ebbs DO, MS, FAAP

Board of Directors / Cofounder / Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Ebbs is a cofounder of MGY, the Laro Kwo (saving lives) project in Northern Uganda, and the MGY team leader for clinical applications of projects. He has worked in Emergency Medical Services for 20 years, currently a board certified pediatrician in Connecticut working as an attending in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Yale. Dr. Ebbs also continues as a flight physician/paramedic and instructor. He earned his M.S concentrating in Community Health at the University of New Mexico, finishing in 2013. His M.S. training focused on the role of community health workers in rural and developing regions around the world, specifically in West Borneo and the NE Peruvian Amazon. Daniel is the proud husband of Erika Ebbs and father of Jude Ebbs, who mean the world to him.

Daniel is an activist for human rights including the obligation society has to make health access and affordable care to all of its residents. He is an active member and supporter for Physicians for a National Health Program, of which he lobbied to pass state and organizational amendments in the past. After working in the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest and Kalimantan, West Borneo in graduate school, Daniel began to focus his career on how to improve health access in very remote regions by training local health workers with sustainable, community based education. MGY was born.

To be more effective at this type of work, Daniel applied and was accepted to a medical school that focus’ on the role of Community Health Centers in underserved regions across the United States. At A.T. Still University, Daniel learned how a community health center is ran and how medical practice can vary based on proximity to tertiary care. Additionally, Daniel was able to learn more about health policy and how to advocate for patients through legislature. In the future, Daniel hopes to help MGY empower more and more communities-providing the resources to help build rural health infrastructure and training. Daniel will continue to promote and lobby for just policy, defending patients rights to equitable and quality health care.